ul. Derdowskiego 5, 83-300 Kartuzy      tel. +48 58 685 44 48   fax: +48 58 681 11 87     e-mail: biuro@perfektsc.com.pl



Perfekt Kartuzy

Armchairs, swivel chairs, stationary chairs

Gamma "Lux"
office rotating armchair

Armests, 5 star base covers and cantilevers
of the armchair madeout of natural wood.

Gamma office rotating armchair

Armest made of polipropylene.


Gamma cantilever armchair "Lux"


Gamma cantilever armchair


Laguna uphostlered swivel chair

Adjustment of height of the seat with the gas lift.

Junior swivel chair

Adjustment of height of the seat with the gas lift.

ISO Black chair (plywood)


ISO Black chair (uphostlered)


ISO lecture tablet chair

made with plywood

ISO Black uphostlered lecture tablet chair


ISO Chrome chair (plywood)


ISO Chrome chair (uphostlered)


ISO Chrome lecture tablet chair

made with plywood

ISO Chrome uphostlered lecture tablet chair


Bono chair

Made with and without armest

Bolek chair


Bolek lecture tablet chair


Bolek uphostlered chair


Amadeo chair

made with plywood

Atena chair (also uphostlered)


Gary chair


Venus chair


Garden chair


Circle table 'Elena'

diameter - 800mm

Circle table 'Bistro'

diameter - 800mm

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